Writing a Protocol

Writing a Protocol

The animal use protocol is a detailed description of why the researcher requests the use of animals, and how animal will be used

After submitting animal use protocol to CAF office, the protocol will be subjected to IACUC for review and approval.

Details of the review process is described under the topic of Animal Care and Use Committee Review Process (click here)

  • Animal Care and Use Protocol   (download here)   is for studies that use live vertebrate species and take place at the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University.

In addition, we have an instruction manual of Animal Care and Use Protocol to guide you on how to fill in the form (download here)

  • Animal Care and Use Protocol for Aquatic Animal Study (download here) is for studies that use live aquatic animals and take place at the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University.

  • Exemption Review   (download here)

is for studies that do not involve animals, use only animal specimens or will be carried out outside of the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University.

Method for submitting documents for consideration

Sending Email a PDF file with completed signatures to musc.iacuc1@gmail.com